Monday, May 19, 2008


On March the eighteentht 2007 the teachers at Pt England school had a camp planned for us. Pt England school got very excited about what it was going to be like to be on camp.Wow the day finally came. It was only for year fives and sixes to go on camp.The school camp was cool because we slept in tents on the school's bottom field. We used the school hall for the eating room. We had helpers to cook for us in the kitchen. We also had people driving and people helping with our activities.
The activities we did were rockclimbing, ten pin bowling, camp cooking, kayaking, playing basket ball at the Rec center, Swimarama pools, and the Tahuna Toreo walk. It was fun at camp and I really want to go to camp next year. I really enjoyed the fun activities and all the yummy food they had at camp. I am really looking forward to the next years camp. I wonder what it will look like and feel like at next years camp?